ISSpeechSynthesisDelegate Protocol Reference
Conforms to | NSObject |
Declared in | ISSpeechSynthesis.h |
– synthesisDidStartSpeaking:
The specified speech synthesis instance started speaking. Audio is now playing.
– synthesisDidFinishSpeaking:userCancelled:
The specified speech synthesis isntance finished speaking, either on its own or because the user cancelled it.
– synthesis:didFailWithError:
Something went wrong with the speech synthesis. Usually this is used for errors returned by the server.
Instance Methods
Something went wrong with the speech synthesis. Usually this is used for errors returned by the server.
- (void)synthesis:(ISSpeechSynthesis *)speechSynthesis didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
- speechSynthesis
The speech synthesis object that the error occurred on.
- error
The acutal error. Errors from the SDK internals will have the error domain of
. You may get some URL connection errors if something happens with the network.
Declared In
The specified speech synthesis isntance finished speaking, either on its own or because the user cancelled it.
- (void)synthesisDidFinishSpeaking:(ISSpeechSynthesis *)speechSynthesis userCancelled:(BOOL)userCancelled
- speechSynthesis
The speech synthesis object that finished speaking.
- userCancelled
Whether the user was responsible for cancelling the speech synthesis, usually by tapping the “Cancel” button on the dialog.
Declared In